This blog is about finding beauty in everyday things, in my music, feeling good about myself, and helping to inspire others through fashion and music!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Date Night

Date night is something every couple should do no matter how long they've been together. You can't forget that flames die if you don't put effort into it. I sometimes forget this very badly and then my relationships go sour. I understand the importance of it all. 
If you live with your love, it's important to not always look like a couch potato. Don't get me wrong though, I will wear my pajamas for a whole day if the day calls for it, but sometimes I'll remember to get dressed in the morning like a normal person.
It's important to keep giving kisses.
It's important to tell them how great they are.
It's important to go out and enjoy each others company even if you have seen them at home all day.
Relationships are hard, God knows I've had my disasters. 
When you find someone who is absolutely worth it, then you do everything to keep them, even if that means doing a crazy dance, in your pajamas, right in front of him, spur of the moment, kiss him on the head, and walk away.

And not tell him that I think he's more photogenic than me and that that's unfair....oh wait, I did tell him that! ;p


  1. Thatch thankyou for your comment on my blog. London is where I am :). Oh sweet. You have a Facebook page of your band. What's the details?
