This blog is about finding beauty in everyday things, in my music, feeling good about myself, and helping to inspire others through fashion and music!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Little Things

Once, when I was living in Portland, OR, I was sitting in a bar, really depressed. I was facing this window and a gay parade was making their way down the street. A drunk man stopped in front of me, looked at me, and drew a happy face on the window, and continued on with the parade. I try to remind myself of that little moment when things become really overwhelming.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I was introduced to chanting today.
And I loved it.

Shoes: Target
Leggings: American Apparel 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

This Man

These hands belong to the man I love. He tunes pianos for a living.

He's also in my band.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Stepping In...

Hello, my name is Morgan Erina. I have finally decided to start a blog after reading many blogs, such as Natalie Off DutyFlashes of StyleJean GreigeOrchid Grey among many others. I have found it comforting knowing these girls are out there, and have admired them all. Always wanting to join in, my insecurity got in my way, telling me it would be impossible to do this. But things have changed in my life, and I feel that I have more time to pursue this and see where it goes. And to join in these lovely ladies worlds.